Europe Tag

Sharp Decline in European Construction Output

20 Aug, by Knowledge Leaders Team in Uncategorized

According to data released earlier today, he mini-boom in European construction that began earlier this year came to an abrupt halt in June, as output declined by more than 2% year-over-year (from a multi-year high of more than 7%yoy in April): Growth in building construction...

A Tick Up In German Credit Default Swaps

24 Jul, by Knowledge Leaders Team in Uncategorized

Given recent drama among Portuguese financial institutions, we are not especially surprised to see an uptick in the yield on credit default swaps (CDSs): What is a little more surprising is the move up–small though it may be (so far, anyway)–in CDS for Germany, aka the...

A Tick Back Up in European CDS

08 Jul, by Knowledge Leaders Team in Uncategorized

Credit default swaps (CDS)– the insurance against non-payment for fixed income products– have fallen across Europe since reaching highs in 2012: After the ECB’s early June announcement of extraordinary measures, CDS fell abruptly– but yields have creeped back towards pre-announcement levels in the last couple...

The Euro: Where To From Here?

05 Jun, by Knowledge Leaders Team in Uncategorized

In the wake of today’s ECB announcement of rate cuts as well as additional measures to boost bank lending and head off disinflation/ deflation trends in many of its member countries, the euro has (unsurprisingly) moved lower versus the dollar: How far might it decline?...

European (Youth) Unemployment

03 Jun, by Knowledge Leaders Team in Uncategorized

The headline number for European unemployment came in slightly better (lower) than expected today.  However, young people under the age of 25 still struggle to find jobs....

Economic Uncertainty & Equities Markets

02 Jun, by Knowledge Leaders Team in Uncategorized

Economic policy uncertainty continues to fall– along with the oft-quoted VIX– as this week’s much anticipated ECB meeting nears.  Will Europe’s monetary authority act decisively in an effort to combat increasingly common hints of disinflation/deflation?  Does that involve buying asset-backed securities?  Will today’s weak inflation...

European Auto Sales (and Next Week’s PMI)

16 May, by Knowledge Leaders Team in Uncategorized

New car registrations in the EU slowed to just 4.5%yoy in April, down from a growth rate of more than 13%yoy in December: Interestingly, while new car registrations grew by more than 50%yoy in Portugal and more than 30%yoy in Spain, many of the Nordic...

High-Yield Debt Fuels European M&A

09 May, by Knowledge Leaders Team in Uncategorized

According to the FT, ”Groups in Europe have already put €15bn in new high-yield debt to work funding mergers and acquisitions this year, compared with €9.6bn for all of last year, according to Barclays Research....

Expectations Component Continues to Disappoint

05 May, by Knowledge Leaders Team in Uncategorized

As we have noted on a number of occasions in the last few months (here, here, and here), a number of often cited surveys pertaining to the Eurozone are exhibiting weak expectations–and today’s release of the Sentix survey is no different....

Europe: Stubbornly High Unemployment

02 May, by Knowledge Leaders Team in Uncategorized

Unemployment in the Eurozone still hovers just under 12%, according to data released earlier today: Unsurprisingly, the highest rates of joblessness remain in the peripheral countries while places like Switzerland, Denmark, and Germany boast rates in the lower single digits: With respect to youth unemployment,...

Lowered Expectations (Again)

07 Apr, by Knowledge Leaders Team in Uncategorized

Once again, the expectations component of a survey– in this case, the Sentix Economic Index– have deviated from the story that the headline or current situation numbers would relay....