US Treasuries Tag

International Demand Explodes for Short-Term US Treasuries

06 Jun, by Knowledge Leaders Team in Economy, News

Two weeks ago, we noted that Congress would soon raise the debt ceiling, but that this could set up unexpected consequences for investors. Now that that the debt ceiling is raised until 2025, the US Treasury is free to fund the government’s liabilities since January....

Warming to Duration

30 May, by Steven Vannelli, CFA in Markets

Leading into the weekend, where the debt ceiling had not been settled, markets were exhibiting very interesting positioning. To start, US Treasuries across the maturity spectrum were hugely out of favor. Net speculator positioning in options and futures were as short as they have every...

The Smart Money Is Getting Long Treasury Bonds Again

28 Apr, by Knowledge Leaders Team in Markets

Long-dated US Treasury bonds have been treading water of late, leaving many rate watchers wondering in what direction the next big move is going to be. One variable in the next move is of course trader positioning. The two charts below show how the ”smart...

The Battle Of Risk Free Assets And What It Means For Stocks

22 Aug, by Knowledge Leaders Team in Uncategorized

When it comes to safe haven investments, the world generally invests in two assets: US Treasuries or German Bunds. Recently, bunds seem to be the preferred ”risk-free” investment of choice by a wide margin which has historically been a negative signal for stocks ....